Life’s lessons

“The biggest lesson I learned this year is to not force anything; conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, what crashes crashes.”  Amanda Rose

I found this quote recently and it really resonates with me, and I thought it was well worth sharing and I have decided that this needs to be my mantra for now on.

I know at times, I have been guilty of chasing things (read people) and I have been accused of being a people pleaser – of which unfortunately, I must admit I am!

So, this year I am going to put up better boundaries, both personally and professionally.  I am going to set my scheduled times of availability and enforce these better.  I need to retrain my brain, just like I ask my clients to do.  Change is difficult; however, it is also achievable.  It takes practice and consistency. 

I do realise that not everyone is available during work hours, however, I also need to balance my own health and wellbeing without fear of burn out.  The client also needs to adjust their schedule, just as they would for any other professional that they are dealing with.  I will continue to offer the occasional Saturday morning; however, this will only be at my discretion as I am keen to keep my weekends free for my family and for my self-care plan, which includes making time for mosaics and other enjoyable tasks.

I am wondering if this quote is also meant for you and what actions you can take to lighten the load in your daily life?  Every relationship, whether work or pleasure is reciprocal.  Do you need to look at each relationship and have some difficult conversations, or learn not to continually seek further contact?

Something to consider and adjust IF you feel that this is warranted.