
“You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world’s happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.”  Dale Carnegie

I have been reflecting on appreciation, especially over the past week as I learnt about the death of an important person in my life growing up.  This person was a great role model to me and listening to her eulogy, she also impacted on her family and their friends over her life.  The stories shared were also reflective of my own observations and storyline.

Watching her in the many roles, strongly influenced me on how to change the world in a gentle, yet firm manner.  I recall a phone call many years ago, in which she encouraged me to seek more answers to a question about one of my children.  Her words that you know your child best and you need to advocate for them to find the answer. 

Whilst reflecting on this person, I continued to reflect on those who have heavily influenced my life.  Whilst I did grow up in my own family home, I did learn more outside this due to many different things that happened during my early and influential years.  It is always interesting to learn how events and people impact (positively or negatively) on your own life and ways that you work.  The different role models and how they helped mould your character and certain characteristics. 

Pivotal events in my primary, secondary schooling and working life have heavily influenced who I am and my values. During or after these events, key people assisted me working through the different aspects, which allowed me to grow and learn from them.   I really appreciate their assistance during these times.  It can be difficult working through life lessons on your own and it can be helpful to have a voice of reason during these times.  I have had a range of mentors in each stage of my life, who have assisted me in many ways. Whether wise words or encouragement to keep going and make the changes.

I know that I have been blessed to have many people who have impacted on me positively and I appreciate all that they have done, I hope they all know this.

Who do you appreciate and why?