Happiness 2025

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”  Roy T. Bennett

This week’s topic is happiness, and this quote really highlights that we do have choices each and every day.  I know that it is easier to make the choice of being all the above, when life is going well.  Life is not always kind and generous, however how we respond after our initial shock and/or disbelief is a choice that we can make and control.

Part of my choice is to ensure that I maintain a self-care plan as this enables me to be the best version of myself.  Making certain that all aspects of my life are looked after.  Am I looking after my physical health – eating good foods, getting regular sleep, exercising and seeking assistance from the health professionals?  Looking after my emotions in a healthy way?  Am I meeting up with family and friends to keep the relationships healthy?  Am I taking time for my psychological health and wellbeing – disconnecting from devices, learning new skills and seeking support if needed?  Am I maintaining a good work-life balance?  Are my finances under control?

I am fortunate enough to be at a stage of life that I am able to control my self-care plan, I always recall the juggle of this when my family were younger.  Competing needs are a constant battle, both with time and other resources – such as limited money.

For me, the self-care plan needs to be sustainable – regardless of finances.  Yes, attending exercise classes or hobby classes are nice BUT when finances are tight – they are often the first to be pruned from the family budget.  Finding alternative and sustainable items to add into your self-care plan are essential.

Part of my self-care plan is my mosaic group.  Should finances be tough, I would need to set up a workshop at home.  This would enable me to take my box of tools and supplies back at home and cut down on the expenses and enable me to continue to work on my creative side. 

Exercising can also be taken down a level by working out with a friend – whether at home or in the open space, such as local parks.  For those who enjoy Pilates or yoga – working together at home with a DVD or via YouTube is a possibility.  Looking for solutions is a great way to continue your self-care plan regardless of financial constraints.

Happiness does not always require a huge amount of monetary investment, or any financial investment at all.