
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change, that lives within the means available and works co-operatively against common threats.”   Charles Darwin

The Oxford dictionary states that adaptability is “the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions”.

I imagine that this is true for all new parents and continues for each stage of their development.  Life is a constant change, especially for those with children.  This is happening in one of my adult children’s life now, they have had a new child in their life and are in the first week of adapting their life to welcome the gorgeous addition. 

I recall that the new school year can also be a mixture of emotions, especially for key events; kindergarten and commencing primary and secondary years.  This can be experienced by both the children and the parents.  It can be more emotional due to the long holidays that many take at the end/beginning of the year and it takes a little more energy to get back into the rhythm of life, balancing both paid employment and home life.

I often speak to many parents in my clinic about the importance of self-care, to ensure that you as a primary carer – can always present your best self.  I wish I had known this when my children were younger.  I mistakenly believed that self-care was selfish!  Most of my clients get a copy of Black Dog’s Self-Care plan which really breaks down the many aspects of a good plan and why it is needed. 

Our home front has also changed with the delivery of a shipping container which is to be converted into a workshop.  The location of this has meant that our ancient fig tree has needed to be heavily pruned (read mauled) and I am hoping that this beautiful tree will survive the untimely pruning!  It has meant that I did manage to make some fig jelly to enjoy later this year.