Affirmations 2025

“We have more ability to make changes in the world than we can imagine if we have the courage to try.”  Liya Kebede

This week we are discussing affirmations and for me, this is a way of boosting my self-esteem and assist in changing my thoughts.  This is really important when I feel low, and the negative self-talk overwhelms me.  Affirmations are part of the positivity movement and studies have shown that the positivity can be very beneficial to our health.

Affirmations are a positive mantra which can improve our mental health and wellbeing.  A personal cheer squad that helps me manage the day and challenge the negative thoughts.

Interestingly, us humans are wired to the negative and this has been a survival instinct for many years.  We only need to hear something negative about ourselves seven times and we believe it!  The positive thoughts ironically take many hundreds before we believe it.  Life is slanted to the negative and we need to change this to make ourselves continue to improve.

Along with the affirmations, I also encourage my clients (and myself) to reframe the dialogue in their minds.  Catching those negative thoughts and looking for the evidence of how true (or untrue) that thought is.  Challenging the thoughts or slightly amending our language to lessen the impact.  As always, the first step in any change is noticing the behaviour or thoughts that you wish to alter.

Interestingly another therapy that I utilise, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) also involves the use of affirmations as part of one of the techniques.  There is a worldwide movement about this therapy and one of my colleagues has built her practice utilising only this therapy.  I have witnessed some really impressive changes with this technique.

As this quote suggests, perhaps we need to change our own world before we embark on the journey of others.  Positive affirmations each and every day can help us achieve this.