Being active in the change process

“I have my parents to thank for that, they raised me to be active and play all sports. They taught me the importance of staying healthy, being focused and setting goals in whatever I do.”

Kiana Tom

This week we are discussing being active in the process of change.  For me, this comes down to mindset and how much you want the change EVEN when the change or the timing is difficult.  Being focused on what you would like to happen and staying on the path despite the difficulties.

As I sit reflecting on this piece today, one of the goals that I am currently working towards is sleeping at my feet.  I have recently booked in for some more lessons for both Apollo and me, so we can fine tune his behaviour and make sure that I also follow the recommendations from the trainer.  I need the extra assistance to work towards the goal of taking therapy training for us both and if I wait any longer, his behaviour (and mine) will be more ingrained and harder to change.

Yes, it can be difficult to ask for assistance BUT for me, it would be much more challenging to get the much needed help closer or during the therapy training.  This gives us much need resources to work towards and hopefully will put us in a better position later on.  It also gives us the opportunity to have a better-behaved dog overall.  Wins all around on this front.  The trainer has many more years of experience as a dog handler, trainer, teacher, therapy dog worker – so any assistance that she can provide will help us work towards my goal.  It will also provide me with the opportunity to discuss if Apollo has the aspects required to be a therapy dog.  Not all dogs have the ability and then it will be up to me to see if I can make the grade too.

So, this is quite a scary step in the goal, however, I also have strongly stated that IF Apollo and I don’t work out as a therapy team – I will have a beautiful member of our family and hopefully a well-trained dog too.

What active steps are you taking towards any goals that you have?