Being uncomfortable with the unknown
“Sometimes life seems uncomfortable and that’s actually where life starts.”
M. H. Rakib
This week’s theme is being comfortable with the unknown and that for me is usually the change process, this includes wanting things to change but uncertain where or how to begin.
Many of you are aware that we have a new pup in our life, and this has certainly made life fun but also a little uncomfortable as we need to adjust and learn new ways to (hopefully) train Apollo. We have had to adjust to puppy school and learn positive reinforcement and expose ourselves in public with these new skills (or not). Nothing like a public shaming to practice more. Apollo is our first full time inside dog and that also brings some uncomfortable times. The toileting, the bathing and all the other new learnings.
So, life has certainly been uncomfortable over the past few weeks as we all adjust to the new environment, and the everchanging landscape as we learn this new way of life. This means a new schedule as Apollo is waking at 5 am, remembering his feed schedule and to order his food when it is running low. His new trick is to have a look at what is on the bench and/or table – and this is involving a firm no. Hopefully, we are on top of his learnings, and we are not letting him down and reinforcing bad behaviour.
Like all new parents, we have had to adapt our life, and this has included postponing a planned trip away as Apollo needs more time in this critical learning stage (and ours). Learning how to leave him at home unsupervised has also been a big learning moment and can produce anxiety (mine, not Apollo’s) of what we may find on our return!
For me, perhaps the most uncomfortable process is working out how to manage the training that we both will need (and pass) to bring Apollo into my therapy room. As I have stated, I am not worried about Apollo as his parents and Aunty are all trained therapy dogs – I worry that I will let him down! And that uncertainty and uncomfortable feelings will continue for a little while as he needs to be twelve months old prior to going into the training. So, we, especially me – are on a constant learning curve of new experiences.
So as the above quote highlights, life has certainly changed for us and certainly for the better – despite the challenging times ahead!