“Your life will be in order when disorder ceases to bother you.” James Pierce
I am back from a two week break for the festive season and life is certainly calmer after Christmas and the New Year. Whilst I did not leave the region, I did manage to take some down time, and this has certainly helped me to commence the year refreshed.
One of my goals for this period was to read for pleasure. I purchased all six editions of a local publication which highlights some living treasures in our region. I managed to read all six and am in awe of the stories highlighted in the books. All the stories and photos were an amazing read. Interestingly, I also noted some of the family members that I have met over the years of me living in the region. It was refreshing to hear about the people’s lives without attending their funeral.
I also requested another book for a Christmas present from one of the family members and I commenced reading this over the weekend. It is the story of Richard Scolyer “Brainstorm” – a very interesting read about his own journey with cancer, both personally and professionally. I imagine that I will shed a few tears in this book and am ready to finish his inspirational story and journey so far. I plan to read this out of hours and over my spare time on the weekends.
I am keen to reread my own account of when I went through my own cancer journey, and it may be the time to read the whole account of this time of my life. I am now in my fifth year of diagnosis and treatment and will be sacked by the surgeon in October after my five years follow up! The Oncologist sacked me last year or the year prior. It is always a great feeling to not require their services anymore!
Some photos have been coming up lately on my Facebook feed, ones of me without my hair and with the trademark “hat” on whilst out with my friends. Always a reminder that we need to make time for our friends and family, no matter what is happening.