Decisions about your career, should I change organisations?

“The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!”

Earl Nightingale

I’ve been talking to a few friends about changing work roles and this can be a very difficult decision as there are many aspects to wanting or needing to change roles.  It can also be quite difficult to see all the positive and negative components of each role. 

Weighing up each option is especially important and crucial to making your decision and that is before you even apply for the new role.  For me, prior to relocating closer to Mildura and deciding to increase my hours in my private practice – there were a number of factors to consider?

  • Would I be able to find a position for 2 days a week?
  • Would I be able to fill the 3 days in private practice and be able to keep the doors open if self-employed?
  • Could I afford to pay the lease on my room and other overheads?
  • How would I “fit” into a new workplace?

And these are only some of the questions I had swirling in my head……

So, after many months of organising and working the answers out, I took the big leap and in July 2021 I put my notice in and was ready to relocate back closer to home.  For those who have followed me, you may know what happened – I hit a speed bump with my health.  Whilst this slowed things down, it did not stop me completely and I have managed to get back to work with little repercussion with my health.

Recently this indecision happened again with my private practice location – to move or to stay?  Comfort versus opportunities?  Well, I made the decision, and this is working out well.  As mentioned last week – I still have a little work to do to complete the transition and I am working on developing some group activities, such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) to be held monthly.  Please contact me if you are interested as numbers are to be kept small in line with current COVID19 restrictions and the room size. 

Another change that I am looking at developing within the practice is another therapy AND this is absolutely terrifying me.  I have booked in and now the “imposter syndrome” is commencing and the fear of being extremely uncomfortable as I learn this and being scrutinized by my peers who will also be in the room!  And of course, the Accredited Trainer – what will she think of me?

Interesting, this week I am talking about decision making and how to make a better decision utilising some tools.  I have had a week of challenges and opportunities and I have had to draw on these over the past week to make some choices for myself.

If you would like to know more about some of the tools or the EFT (tapping) group – send me a message, email or phone call.

Take care
