Education and change

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

Robert Orben

This week we are talking about personal growth and education.  For some people this may be through formal education and learning, one where they make the time and space for learning new skills.  For others it may be the informal learning, having conversations with others is how they learn and develop.

We are constantly changing and growing, with each new thought or idea presented by others or through our reading.  As a new idea is introduced and we further explore this and then make sense of it and decide whether to accept this or discard.  Even if we disagree with the concept, the fact that we explored it means that our view has slightly changed or adapted.

There are many times of growth, however education and personal development is possibly the biggest growth of all.  For me, this was going to education for a formal education – initially in business and then changing into social work.  From this, I am continuing to grow and develop due to the continuing professional development that I need to complete each and every year.  I love learning new therapies and frameworks to assist my clients.

For others, it may be short courses that meet their educational and personal development needs.  Whether a hobby or an educational course.  Learning new things can be for either business or pleasure.  You could even learn a new skill as a form of self-care, like I have done this year with mosaics.  This allows me to chill and relax, whilst making a new project for the home or others.

We spoke last week that as we change and develop – our relationships also change and how we need to nurture them to keep the relationship moving (or not)!

Without people challenging current thoughts, we would be living quite differently with no electricity or motorised vehicles.  Imagine life being so much more difficult and still cooking on an open fire!  Or we would still be thinking that the earth is flat!

What do you do, to challenge yourself and learn new things?