Emotional Freedom Techniques and energy work

“I think tapping into one’s power and one’s potential is a very frightening thing.”

Viola Davis

For those not following along at home, I am currently in Melbourne attending a conference “Mind Heart Connect; Creating Resilience Lives.

This conference talks about approaches such as mindfulness, mediation and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/Tapping) becoming embraced into mainstream.  It is also exploring other alternative energy resources to be utilised by therapists and the general public.

So day one is now finalised and I have heard from two leading health professionals from America who choose to utilise body work.  Both were very different BUT had important messages to hear.

The first keynote speaker (and this is a special day where we were invited to attend as an extra to the conference).  This person is a highly trained medical professional, a physician WITH a lived experience of autoimmune disease who self-healed through energy and continues to work within the medical interventions. 

The second speaker was raised in energy medicine and works within her parent’s company and utilises The Five Elements.  This was very interesting exploring my element and those of my family members (apologies to those who I put into their elements)!  It provides insight to both the positive and challenging behaviours of their “type” and also mine.  It provides why we act in certain situations and how to tolerate each other – should you wish to continue to survive together.

Interestingly, we are only at day one and as I read the brochure about who is also presenting – I am more and more looking forward to hearing and seeing more. 

Two people I have been following for a while now – Peta Stapleton whose entities have researched the evidence of Emotional Freedom Techniques and and Craig Hassed, whose books on mindfulness have been read and now sit in my personal library.  Both are respected in their fields (psychology and medicine) AND are leading in their fields (my personal opinion).

As I write this tonight – I am in awe of what may happen over the next few days and am blessed to be able to be her in person to experience all that happens.

Energy work, especially Emotional Freedom Techniques is amazing, both personally and WITH my clients.

Oh, and as a bonus – I also got some amazing gifts in my pack.  Sometimes, these need to be regifted on.

PS: the photo of the meerkat is from our family journey last week and also reflects the energy that the meerkats provide – both individually and within their group.