
“What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter – a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue.”  Henri Matisse

Fatigue can hit us all and will be for different reasons.  We may need rest after a busy time, be caring for someone or have an illness yourself.  Depending on the reason, will dictate what your body and/or mind requires.

There are a range of activities which can assist in managing your life to reduce the impact of fatigue.   A self-care plan will assist you to be the best version of yourself, however I realise that when time poor and overworked – it is difficult to make the investment in yourself.   Especially for those who are carers.  Whilst the time may be hard to find, if you do not look after yourself, it is difficult to look after others. 

This week, I have been experiencing fatigue and it took me a little while to recognise that my fatigue was caused by hay fever!  As we are moving into the spring weather, the pollen and grasses are triggering my hay fever which is making me feel tired and fatigued.  It has also reminded me to make sure I go to the chemist to stock up on some antihistamines for when the days are a lot harder to tolerate.

Fatigue can be physical and/or mental and it can take some time to get back on track.  It may need a multifaceted approach to assist overcoming.  Eating well, listening to your body and resting when needed.  When I was undergoing my treatment, I had to learn all of this and more.  Yes, it is difficult to delegate some duties and reaching out to family and friends when you are feeling less in control, however, it is something that your friends wish to do for you.  I found this the hardest lesson of all. 

As I got a little more energy and heal, I began a knitting project (which I never finished and regifted to another person for them to regift).  For some people, professional assistance may also be needed; medical, mental health or other holistic treatment.

Reintroducing more self-care items after the fatigue has passed, one at a time to make it more sustainable and long lasting.  Your body and mind will thank you for making these changes.