Local or out of region?

“We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.” 

S Kelley Harrell

This week’s topic is always interesting – local or out of region?  Many people love to shop online, however this does not work for me for a number of reasons.  The same with services, we have a similar choice apart from services that do need in person delivery.

I love the personal shopping experience – having a person to interact with and provide their opinion on the item of goods, especially for clothing.  The in-person experience is important for me.  Especially given my ever-changing shape – I find it difficult to buy clothing online due to sizing differences that often occurs with women’s clothing.  I like to try on the product and see if the colours or print suits me personally.  I need to utilise all my senses when shopping and this is something that I can’t imagine online.

I purchase my makeup in store, however, I could choose to purchase online – but to be honest, I often remember to purchase just prior to finishing the bottle or jar.

I also enjoy shopping when out of my region and this includes both visiting wineries, art galleries and the local shops. 

In the same manner, for those seeking counselling services you can either purchase locally or out of region through the magic of Telehealth platforms.  Through this amazing technology, we can see each other and share screens or files, just as we would in person.  This is particularly handy for those who reside in a location that does not have psychological services locally or visiting services and/or prefer not to be seen visiting such services.  Provided you have a stable internet service, Telehealth is an option that can be just as valuable as a face-to-face session.  It is also handy for those who may live locally to me but are in isolation due to COVID19 reasons or poor health.

For some clients, Telehealth is not the preferred option for a number of reasons, especially for those who are in a caring role or do not have privacy in the home.

For those who prefer face-to-face sessions, both within my clinic or other locations.  My clinic is within a business centre and there are many services located within it.  For those who prefer a different environment, we have the choice of either an outdoor setting – such as an outdoor café or designated spot down the river, or a private location in a park.  The choices and times available are mutually agreed upon.