Making decisions for change!

“Everything in us presses toward decision, even toward the wrong decision, just to be free of the anxiety that precedes any big step in life.” 

May Sarton

As the quote above highlights, making decisions are often fraught with anxiety!  From the simple decision (or perhaps not) of what to wear each day, what to cook for dinner and so on.

Huge decisions are even more anxiety provoking, especially when a lot of money is at stake or placed on the purchase – a new car or a new home.

Even life choices are decisions to be made.  I am struggling with the exercise decision at the moment.  Whilst I want to be healthy and fit, finding the time and willpower (or is that willpower and time) is becoming an issue.

I started the process of knowing that I need to change and start preparing for this, then I lapse within a very short time frame.  I need to work on this a lot more to recommence the journey once again.

Many people have advised that it takes roughly ninety days to change a habit and I am constantly attempting to bring about some changes in my life.  I know I should, however, it is difficult at times.  Especially Easter, Autumn weather, daylight savings ending and so on.  These are my current excuses on why I can’t put some time and energy into a new regime.

So, I need to find something that will motivate me for the changes required, reasons that WILL encourage me to continue working towards this goal.  Finding ways that will provide a reason TO exercise, TO move my body each and every day.

So beginning when I get back home (been visiting the grandies over the Easter break) – I am going to commence at least 15 minutes of movement each day.  I plan to utilise part of my morning routine and carve out this small amount of time to begin and hope that this will provide motivation and the will to continue to find more time each day.  I am hopeful that by making the time, I may notice a small improvement in my fitness, and this will continue to inspire me to continue.

How do you motivate and encourage yourself when decisions are a little difficult? 

Let me know what works for you.