Mindset 2025
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Albert Schweitzer
This week’s conversation is about mindset and how this impacts us all on a daily basis.
We all have moments of imposter syndrome, and this is no different for us mental health professionals. Even the most positive people on this planet have moments of self-doubt and WHEN life goes south, we all look to the negative. Our mind tries to trick us often and that negative self-talk that many of us have, talks louder during. this time. Learning to quieten that negative voice is key to having more control over your brain.
This is why, us professionals, also practice the skills that we recommend to our clients. Things like mindfulness, grounding, positive affirmations and many of the other techniques that we instruct.
Different techniques are more useful at different times, however, the key is to practice often, as this assists us all in remembering when things do go wrong. Practicing is hard to remember when life is going really well, and without practice – we forget we have the tools to assist. We also “forget” when our bodies and minds are unwell – it is always great to have someone remind us “What has worked in the past?”
This happened to me when I was undergoing treatment many years ago. My wound was taking some time to heal, and this was frustrating me on a number of different levels. It was only after THREE weeks that I had the “space” available to remember that I could do some Emotional Freedom Techniques to assist both with my distress and also the healing. Once I began with this technique, my distress went down, and the body also healed a little quicker than it had previously. If only I had someone close by to remind me of my tools at that time, however, the world was locked down and visitors limited.
Mindset can help us all in different ways. I know at times; my mind tries to stop me from learning. It tells me that I can’t learn this. I have found that by using the word “yet” provides the opportunity for growth.
My question to you – is your mindset fixed or in a growth phrase.
Mindsets can be changed, which enables us all to learn and develop.