Out of office

“Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.”

Hilary Clinton

I am going on leave for some time and for the first time in a very long time, I am going to sign off the social media and website for the business.

Normally, I would preplan my posts and blogs to be uploaded prior to my trip, however, this year – I have decided that I need a complete break and be present whilst on leave along with not burning myself out prior to the leave.  I am certain that my travel companion will enjoy this as well.

This has been a huge decision as this will place my social media presence on hold, however, I have decided that I need to be true to myself and my own values and needs during this time.  Something, that us health professionals often suggest that our clients do!

This quote above from Hilary helped me with the internal dialogue going through my mind.  All my clients (and prospective clients) have been advised.  I will set a “pinned post” on my Facebook business page and also a banner on the website to advise people of my leave.  My diary is booked out and people can book online whilst I am away.  My email will have an “out of office” response and hopefully the business can survive without me for a period of time.

On my return, I will be refreshed and able to make better business decisions and this includes letting go (or delegating) tasks to others.  There is a point in time, where it is not feasible for me to have control.  Another life lesson that needs to be accomplished.

As a small business owner (and private practice professional), it is hard to let go at times.  This is for a variety of reasons and not all are financial.  This has been further complicated with the relocation of my private practice and renovation of the premises.  Whilst not all the renos are complete – I need to trust the team and the process.

Signing off for a period of six weeks and hoping to see the results, both personally, professionally and within the building on my return.