
“Art is both creation and recreation. Of the two ideas, I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human spirit is more important.”

Lin Yutang

This week we are exploring recreation, and for me – this is the time I spend outside my work, and it includes a range of things; time with family, time with friends, leisure time, holidays and doing things around the home.

Interestingly, this term is the first in many years that I have not done my mosaics weekly.  I am fixing this with an upcoming weekend workshop, and this makes me feel that I will be in touch with my creation side, although it has also meant that other time is carved away.

Life is often a balance and making decisions of what needs to be prioritised and what can be compromised.

This weekend, I am also taking an extra day off to make the most of the Victorian Public Holiday for the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday.  This allows me to have a mini break away from home and spend time in the caravan a few hours up the road.  It also doubles up as the stove needs to be looked at due to a recall, so a win/win for us all.  We can enjoy being outside in a caravan park and explore a town over a few days and then return home on the Tuesday feeling refreshed and ready to count down to the silly season, which is not that far away.

Prior to that, we have visitors – a son and his partner will be in the region for approximately 10 days and then the Christmas/New Year break will be spent with our grandchildren as they are relocating to our region next week.  It is very exciting times in our family, and we are looking forward to spending more quality time with them all.  I guess that means that I will need to get the Christmas decorations out this year and really dress the home!

I hope that you too, are spending your recreation time wisely.