Counselling sessions
$180 for individual sessions
$230 for family/couple sessions*
For those who hold a Health Care Card – please contact us prior to booking an appointment to discuss available options. For those wishing to claim a rebate under Medicare, please see your General Practitioner and obtain a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) prior to making an appointment. A MHCP provides rebates for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.
Sessions are usually 50 minutes and can be face to face in the clinic, walk and talk, telehealth or telephone. Please note; Medicare rebates may be limited for some services.
*Please note that the Mental Health Care Plan is not applicable for this service

Carers Counselling
Carers Counselling Carer Gateway aims to make your life easier whilst caring for your loved one. Please contact Carer Gateway should you require counselling regarding issues that are impacting on your carer role.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
EAP counselling are a short term and solution focused therapy designed to provide preventive and proactive interventions to identify and/or resolve both work and personal problems which adversely affect work performance and wellbeing. Please contact your EAP provider to see if we are registered with them prior to making an appointment.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life. If you (or your loved one) is a NDIS participant, please request to your Plan Manager that you would like to incorporate Therapeutic Support into your (or your loved one’s) plan.
Supervision for Social Workers, Counsellors and Allied Health Professionals
Full Fee $180 per session plus GST
Supervision is the act of reflection upon your professional duties and the impact and challenges that this may bring. It is the opportunity to discuss caseload, complexities and ethical dilemmas. It is also the space to support educational opportunities and development.
Supervision is offered in person, telephone or telehealth. For those who are self-funding, please contact Sue to discuss the subsidised fee.

Phone 1800 998 333 for assistance prior to making an appointment
Please follow the advice from Transport Accident Commission and advise the clinic of your TAC Claim Number prior to attendance to your appointment.