Social and emotional wellbeing
“Values are related to our emotions, just as we practice physical hygiene to preserve our physical health, we need to observe emotional hygiene to preserve a healthy mind and attitudes.”
Dalai Lama
Ironically, social and emotional wellbeing is the topic this week and my emotional health is being impacted due to current stressors and life’s events. Interestingly, it is also whilst I am preparing a presentation on positive psychology and how this can lessen the impacts of stress and vulnerabilities. Once again life is imitating my work and health plan for the year!
You may or may not be aware, it is currently the anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis two years ago. Whilst this is a celebration of survivorship, I also had a check-up with my Oncologist and the dreaded pathology (my veins ALWAYS show their displeasure at this procedure). The visit to the Oncologist always brings a little apprehension, as does the annual mammogram and ultrasound. Scananxiety is a real issue, and you may have read this from a blog that I wrote around that time last year.
Whilst I appreciate all the care that my medical team have, the downside is that I do get a little nervous and anxious as to what this may reveal. This is a normal stress reaction and process; however, I don’t choose to have this worry take over my life. I choose to place this worry away and concentrate on the things I can control and influence. I am not being an ostrich and placing my head in the sand, I am making a choice to be positive and place my energy in things that bring me joy AND will deal with any adverse findings IF and WHEN they present.
Positive psychology is not ignoring the negatives, it is about having resilience and bouncing back quicker. By utilising positive emotions, connections to community, having positive relationships and meaning in my life – these assists in being able to have the resilience needed when life throw us curve balls. And of course, self-care is an important element also.
The photo attached is the result from a recent workshop I completed with a good friend and other wonderful people on the banks of the beautiful Murray.