What happens in a counselling session?
Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.
Shannon L Alder
As a health professional, I have noticed that many people are a little worried (anxious or scared) about what MAY happen in the session. This often stops them making an appointment, even when they realise that they may need someone to talk to about their issue(s). They also worry about being judged and what if they don’t like or trust the health professional? All these concerns are very real, and it often is a great conversation starter with the health professional. Especially if you are a young person and still live at home. Does the health professional share information, who with and when is this appropriate? Conversations about confidentiality and the limits are essential for any client.
To assist in easing some of the nerves, I offer a FREE 15-minute meet and great session, both virtually or in person. I feel that this is important as research has shown that the most important therapeutic value is the relationship, which currently stands at 85%. This initial meeting is a way for the individual (or family) to see how they relate to me. We all make judgements about whether we trust someone, and this often is instant.
When you arrive at my rooms (whether face to face or Telehealth), we have a chat about what brings you to the session. What you choose to talk about or focus on, is always up to you. You can share what you like. Sometimes this takes time, as the relationship builds.
I can suggest some tools or skills to assist you in whatever issue you are presenting, and you decide whether that works for you or not. Like any new habit, you often need to practice it first to see if it works. I also provide some education about stress and how this can impact on the body.
For some people, just talking about the issue aloud, helps them find their own way forward. It is often helpful, getting an unbiased person (someone who doesn’t know you or the other people involved well) to look at the different perspectives of the issues. Sometimes it is helpful to work out whose issue is it, is it yours to change or not?
As always, if you have any questions – please contact me for a chat.