Supportive people

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

Mark Twain

I was lucky to find a support person who encouraged me at my first full-time position.  I had left school in year eleven as a 16-year-old.  Jobs were scarce at this time, and I knew that University was not an option for me as the family could not afford it.  This position was at a small local business, and I was employed in the office to answer the phone and also manage the accounts.  Sharing the administration was a lady who was a similar age to my mother, and she worked part-time. 

This lady taught me some great skills and also encouraged me to learn more.  Within a short period of time, I had outgrown the position and was rather bored.  The lady continued to encourage me to seek employment outside this business and was so pleased when I finally sat the bank exam and was invited to join the bank. 

This amazing person continued to support and encourage me.  She was really excited when I transferred to a branch in Ballarat, Alice Springs, Katherine and then to Canberra.  Each time I came home, she was always interested in what was happening in my life.  She celebrated each of my children’s birth and was happy to see us relocate back home.

Over the years, she witnessed me going to university as a mature aged student and was very complimentary when I go my degree.  I always remember the words she said as she had always known that I could and would go far (her beautiful words to me).  I have always felt so supported by this lovely lady and as I write this, I can picture her in my mind and how she makes me feel so special and capable.  She has been a constant cheer leader for me over a long period of time.

Whilst I have found the support of my initial mentor incredible, it was always in contrast to my parent’s style, which was very disappointing.  It leads me to remember that we only need to hear something negative about ourselves a few times and the positive aspects many hundreds of times for us to believe them.  Thankfully, I had my gorgeous cheerleader on my side.

I am hoping that you have a marvellous cheerleader and support person on your side, as this can help us all do wonderful and amazing things in our lives.